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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A board to advise the President; members are the secretaries of executive departments; the United States constitution does not provide for the cabinetplay


United States Cabinet; US Cabinet

Classified under:

Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects

Hypernyms ("United States Cabinet" is a kind of...):

cabinet (persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers)

Meronyms (members of "United States Cabinet"):

Attorney General; Attorney General of the United States (the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States)

Agriculture Secretary; Secretary of Agriculture (the position of the head of the Department of Agriculture)

Commerce Secretary; Secretary of Commerce (the position of the head of the Department of Commerce)

Defense Secretary; Secretary of Defense (the position of the head of the Department of Defense)

Education Secretary; Secretary of Education (the position of the head of the Education Department)

Energy Secretary; Secretary of Energy (the position of the head of the Department of Energy)

Secretary of Health and Human Services (the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development)

Labor Secretary; Secretary of Labor (the position of the head of the Department of Labor)

Secretary of State (the position of the head of the State Department)

Interior Secretary; Secretary of the Interior (the position of the head of the Department of the Interior)

Secretary of the Treasury; Treasury Secretary (the position of the head of the Treasury Department)

Secretary of Transportation; Transportation Secretary (the position of the head of the Department of Transportation)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs (the position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs)



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