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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The person who holds the office of head of state of the United States governmentplay


the President likes to jog every morning


Chief Executive; President; President of the United States; United States President

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("United States President" is a kind of...):

chief of state; head of state (the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government)

Instance hyponyms:

Andrew Jackson; Jackson; Old Hickory (7th president of the US; successfully defended New Orleans from the British in 1815; expanded the power of the presidency (1767-1845))

Jefferson; President Jefferson; Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United States; chief drafter of the Declaration of Independence; made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore it (1743-1826))

Andrew Johnson; Johnson; President Andrew Johnson; President Johnson (17th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875))

Johnson; LBJ; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Lyndon Johnson; President Johnson; President Lyndon Johnson (36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973))

Jack Kennedy; JFK; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Kennedy; President John F. Kennedy; President Kennedy (35th President of the United States; established the Peace Corps; assassinated in Dallas (1917-1963))

Abraham Lincoln; Lincoln; President Abraham Lincoln; President Lincoln (16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the American Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865))

James Madison; Madison; President Madison (4th President of the United States; member of the Continental Congress and rapporteur at the Constitutional Convention in 1776; helped frame the Bill of Rights (1751-1836))

McKinley; President McKinley; William McKinley (25th President of the United States; was assassinated by an anarchist (1843-1901))

James Monroe; Monroe; President Monroe (5th President of the United States; author of the Monroe Doctrine (1758-1831))

Nixon; President Nixon; Richard M. Nixon; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon (vice president under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 (1913-1994))

Franklin Pierce; Pierce; President Pierce (14th President of the United States (1804-1869))

James K. Polk; James Knox Polk; James Polk; Polk; President Polk (11th President of the United States; his expansionism led to the Mexican War and the annexation of California and much of the southwest (1795-1849))

President Reagan; Reagan; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan (40th President of the United States (1911-2004))

President Roosevelt; President Theodore Roosevelt; Roosevelt; Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the United States; hero of the Spanish-American War; Panama Canal was built during his administration)

F. D. Roosevelt; FDR; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt; President Franklin Roosevelt; President Roosevelt; Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882-1945))

President Taft; Taft; William Howard Taft (27th President of the United States and later chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1857-1930))

President Taylor; Taylor; Zachary Taylor (12th President of the United States; died in office (1784-1850))

Harry S Truman; Harry Truman; President Truman; Truman (elected vice president in Roosevelt's 4th term; became 33rd President of the United States on Roosevelt's death in 1945 and was elected President in 1948; authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan (1884-1972))

John Tyler; President Tyler; Tyler (elected vice president and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died (1790-1862))

Martin Van Buren; President Van Buren; Van Buren (8th President of the United States (1782-1862))

George Washington; President Washington; Washington (1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1732-1799))

President Wilson; Thomas Woodrow Wilson; Wilson; Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States; led the United States in World War I and secured the formation of the League of Nations (1856-1924))

Adams; John Adams; President Adams; President John Adams (2nd President of the United States (1735-1826))

Adams; John Quincy Adams; President Adams; President John Quincy Adams (6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848))

Arthur; Chester A. Arthur; Chester Alan Arthur; President Arthur (elected vice president and became 21st President of the United States when Garfield was assassinated (1830-1886))

Buchanan; James Buchanan; President Buchanan (15th President of the United States (1791-1868))

Bush; George Bush; George H. W. Bush; George H.W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush; President Bush (vice president under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (born in 1924))

Bush; Dubya; Dubyuh; George Bush; George W. Bush; George Walker Bush; President Bush; President George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946))

Barack Hussein Obama; Obama (44th President of the United States; first African-American President)

Carter; James Earl Carter; James Earl Carter Jr.; Jimmy Carter; President Carter (39th President of the United States (1924-))

Cleveland; Grover Cleveland; President Cleveland; Stephen Grover Cleveland (22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908))

Bill Clinton; Clinton; President Clinton; William Jefferson Clinton (42nd President of the United States (1946-))

Calvin Coolidge; Coolidge; President Coolidge (elected vice president and succeeded as 30th President of the United States when Harding died in 1923 (1872-1933))

Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; Dwight Eisenhower; Eisenhower; Ike; President Eisenhower (United States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany; 34th President of the United States (1890-1961))

Fillmore; Millard Fillmore; President Fillmore (elected vice president and became the 13th President of the United States when Zachary Taylor died in office (1800-1874))

Ford; Gerald Ford; Gerald R. Ford; Gerald Rudolph Ford; President Ford (38th President of the United States; appointed vice president and succeeded Nixon when Nixon resigned (1913-2006))

Garfield; James A. Garfield; James Abraham Garfield; James Garfield; President Garfield (20th President of the United States; assassinated by a frustrated office-seeker (1831-1881))

Grant; Hiram Ulysses Grant; President Grant; Ulysses Grant; Ulysses S. Grant; Ulysses Simpson Grant (18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885))

Harding; President Harding; Warren Gamaliel Harding; Warren Harding (29th President of the United States; two of his appointees were involved in the Teapot Dome scandal (1865-1823))

Harrison; President Harrison; President William Henry Harrison; William Henry Harrison (9th President of the United States; caught pneumonia during his inauguration and died shortly after (1773-1841))

Benjamin Harrison; Harrison; President Benjamin Harrison; President Harrison (23rd President of the United States (1833-1901))

Hayes; President Hayes; Rutherford B. Hayes; Rutherford Birchard Hayes (19th President of the United States; his administration removed federal troops from the South and so ended the Reconstruction Period (1822-1893))

Herbert Clark Hoover; Herbert Hoover; Hoover; President Hoover (31st President of the United States; in 1929 the stock market crashed and the economy collapsed and Hoover was defeated for reelection by Franklin Roosevelt (1874-1964))

Holonyms ("United States President" is a part of...):

executive branch; Executive Office of the President (the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws)



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