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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Inflammation of a blood vesselplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

Hypernyms ("vasculitis" is a kind of...):

inflammation; redness; rubor (a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat)


 Context examples: 

A form of nonthrombocytopenic purpura due to a hypersensitivity vasculitis associated with a variety of clinical symptoms including urticaria and erythema, arthropathy and arthritis, gastrointestinal symptoms, and renal involvement.

(Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

A painful asymmetric asynchronous sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy involving isolated damage to at least 2 separate nerve areas; associated with (but not limited to) systemic disorders such as diabetes, vasculitis, amyloidosis, direct tumor involvement, polyarteritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and paraneoplastic syndromes.

(Mononeuritis Multiplex, NCI Thesaurus)

Rare chronic inflammatory disease involving the small blood vessels; of unknown etiology and characterized by mucocutaneous ulceration in the mouth and genital region and uveitis with hypopyon; the neuroocular form may cause blindness and death; synovitis, thrombophlebitis, gastrointestinal ulcerations, retinal vasculitis, and optic atrophy may occur as well.

(Behcet syndrome, NIH CRISP Thesaurus)

A vasculitis characterized by inflammation of the arteries, particularly the coronary arteries.

(Kawasaki Disease, NCI Thesaurus)

It is a pulmonary and systemic vasculitis associated with eosinophilia.

(Churg-Strauss Syndrome, NCI Thesaurus)


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